Mayıs 12, 2021 Media Group Boys are kickin' it!The students from Primary School Vladimir Nazor, Virovitica (Croatia) are doing an activitiy of writing a story.Creative process: boys conceive a follow-up of our common story. Paylaş Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar Paylaş Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar Yorumlar
Haziran 10, 2021 Closure webinar for teachers Sooooo sorry to say goodbye... but some new ideas of collaboration occured. Devamı
Online exhibition Mayıs 04, 2021 Visit our project's online exhibition 👍 Devamı
Can you feel the rthym😊 Mart 21, 2021 Click to the link,and relax with the rthym of our project Devamı
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